Active Advisory Committees

The Town of Taghkanic has established a small number of advisory committees, made up of town residents who meet regularly as volunteers to work on various issues of importance to the town. Committee membership is open to all residents of Taghkanic. In addition, committee meetings are open to the public, and meeting times are listed on the town calendar. If you have an interest in serving on a committee, start by contacting the committee chairperson, listed below.

Climate-Smart Communities Task Force


  • Doug Craig
  • (
  • Members

  • Tim Kennelty
  • Larry Kadish
  • Tony LaSalvia
  • Anna Kadish
  • Scott Marinoff
  • Bob Brush
  • Elisabeth Albert
  • Joyce Thompson
  • Perry Ascher
  • David Koehler

The Climate-Smart Communities Task Force was established by the Town Board to seek information on practical steps the Town and residents can take to help diminish the progression and impact of climate change.

The CSC Task Force meets at 3:00pm in Town Hall on the fourth Thursday of each month.

Conservation Advisory Committee


  • Tony LaSalvia
  • (
  • Members

  • Larry Kadish
  • Anna Kadish
  • Scott Marinoff
  • Auggie Queros
  • Charlene Paden
  • Eve Kaplan
  • Joyce Thompson
  • Tim Kennelty
  • Doug Craig

The Conservation Advisory Committee (CAC) was established in 2013 with our first meeting on March 16, of that year. The CAC was established to advise the Town Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and other boards or committees as needed. The CAC provides an environmental perspective on land-use proposals, stewardship and other issues that affect our surroundings. One of our main goals is the education of the public on environmental and stewardship issues as it applies to their home, the Town and the region. We have had a number of educational “walks” and presentations to help meet these goals. We plan to do more of this in the future. Presently, the CAC is working with the Climate Smart Community Task Force to further education and environmental projects in the Town.

Digital Communications Committee

The DCC is authorized to develop digital communication tools for the Town, including the website, the T-Gazette, and other tools that may become available to promote town wide citizen access to and involvement with the general processes of town government and community events. The committee is currently working on an update to the town website. The current site represents the first iteration of that update. It will continue to evolve over the next year.

Financial Advisory Committee


This committee is authorized to audit monthly financial information for discrepancies and to develop suggestions for financial planning to support the Town’s Long-Term Capital Plan.

Taghkanic Senior Network


Our mission is to add to the quality of life of Taghkanic seniors and caregivers, by sharing information about state, county, and local resources, and offering opportunities to learn and socialize.

Short-Term Rental (inactive)


  • Elizabeth Craig (non-voting)
  • (
  • Members

  • Linda Reardon (Recording Secretary)
  • Christine Hinz
  • Clayton Kirking
  • Donay Queenan
  • Susan Raymond
  • Cheryl Rogers (Non-Voting)
  • Linda Mirabelli (Non-Voting,
    Liaison to Zoning Commission)

The Short-Term Rental sub-committee was created by the Town Board at the request of the Zoning Commission to assess the need for, and the feasibility of implementing, ordinances and regulations to govern Short Term Rentals (STRs, defined as paid guest lodgings in residential dwellings, for periods of less than 30 days) in Taghkanic. The Subcommittee was charged with proposing realistic, fair, and achievable regulations and local laws to the Town Board for its consideration and eventual implementation.

To fulfill this mission the STR Subcommittee has:

  • Looked into existing Short Term/Transient Rentals in the Town of Taghkanic and evaluated the likelihood of growth in this type of property. In assessing the existing STR situation in Taghkanic, attempted to determine how closely the management of known STR properties aligns with the stated goals for development in the Town of Taghkanic as agreed upon in the Town Comprehensive Plan completed in Sept, 2009.
  • Studied existing NYS laws and regulations regarding STRs and kept up with evolving local regulations in similar and adjoining towns in Columbia County. Included and monitored the possibility of development of regulations and taxation of these rentals at the County level of government.
  • Assessed the potential risks and benefits of various types of STRs on the quality of life, property values, and incomes of residents of Taghkanic, and on the Town itself, including essential services: (1) asked for and received input from our Building Inspector/Zoning Enforcement Officer, and (2) asked for and received input from members and the Chief of our Fire Company.
  • Sent a survey about STRs in Taghkanic, and their impact and future regulation, to all homeowners in the town, including businesses holding title to residential properties, and part-time residents.
  • Made a good-faith effort to determine the probable number of STR properties presently operating in the Town and evaluated the potential challenges in retro-actively regulating existing STRs, with a goal of a smooth transition into future regulation and enforcement of regulations for all STR properties.
  • Made and revised over a period of 16 months a draft of recommendations for local ordinances and regulations that our Town Board can enact to exercise appropriate control over this developing situation, including input from all stakeholders as the draft regulations were developed.
  • Presented the Subcommittee’s recommendations to the Zoning Commission for review and input. The Zoning Commission elected not to include proposed STR regulations in its presentation of the draft of a new Zoning Code to the Town Board, but instead decided to let the Board consider STR regulation as a stand-alone subject once the STR Subcommittee had made an opportunity to present its draft for Public comment.
  • After the Subcommittee’s draft of recommended regulations was made available on the Town website, the Subcommittee held a Public Information Meeting to take input directly from residents and business and property owners in the Town.

Ongoing meetings of the STR Subcommittee are open to the public.